SWIFT MT Messages
SWIFT 전문 형식
- 본 포스트에서는 SWIFT 시스템을 통한 외환 거래 시, 지켜져야할 전문 규약을 설명한다.
- MT는 Message Type 의 약어이다.
- MT 전문은 세자리 숫자로 구성되며, 맨 앞자리 숫자는 아래와 같이 구분된다:
- Category 1 : Customer Payments and Cheques
- Category 2 : Financial Institution Transfers
- Category 3 : Foreign Exchange, Money Markets and Derivatives
- Category 4 : Collections and Cash Letters
- Category 5 : Securities Markets
- Category 6 : Commodities and Reference Data
- Category 7 : Documentary Credits and Guarantees/Stanby Letters of Creidt
- Category 8 : Travellers Cheques
- Category 9 : Cash Management and Customer Status
- Category n : Common Management and Customer Status
- 본 포스트에서 설명하고 있는 전문 포맷은 아래와 같다:
- MT n99 : Free Format Message
- MT 103 : Single Customer Credit Transfer
- MT 200 : Financial Institution Transfer for its Own Account
- MT 202 : General Financial Institution Transfer
- MT 300 : Foreign Exchange Confirmation
- MT 900 : Confirmation Debit
- MT 950 : Statement Message
* SWIFT Overview (SWIFT 개요) (URL)
[FX] SWIFT Overview | SWIFT 개요
SWIFT Overview SWIFT 개요 - SWIFT는 Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication 의 약어로, 국제 은행 간 통신협회를 의미하며, SWIFT System은 SWIFT가 구축한 국제적 은행 간 통신 시스템을 의미한다. * Sw
SWIFT Field Length Rules and Restrictions (SWIFT 필드값 규약)
Restrictions on Length | Types of Characters Allowed | ||
nn | Maximum Length (Minimum Length = 1) |
n | - 숫자 |
nn-nn | Minimum Length and Maximum Length |
a | - 알파벳 대문자 |
c | - 알파벳 대문자 및 숫자 | ||
h | - 16진수(A-F 대문자) 및 숫자 | ||
nn! | Fixed Length | x | - any character of the X permitted set (General FIN application set) upper and lower case allowed (X Character Set 참조) |
y | - any character of the EDIFACT level A character set as defined in ISO 9735 upper case only (Y Character Set 참조) |
z | - any character as defined by the Information Service (Z Character Set 참조) |
nn*nn | Maximum Number of Lines times Maximum Line Length |
d | - 10진수 |
e | - 공백 |
SWIFT Character Set (SWIFT 문자셋)
- SWIFT MT 전문 송수신 시, 사용되는 문자셋은 아래와 같다:
Character Set (문자셋) |
Elements (문자) |
Note (비고) |
X Character Set (SWIFT Character Set) |
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 / – ? : ( ) . , ‘ + CrLf Space (EBCDIC Code) |
The characters Cr and Lf must never be used as single characters and must only be used together in the sequence CrLf, that is, LfCr is not allowed. When the character sequence CrLf is used in a field format with several lines, it is used to indicate the end of one line of text and the start of the next line of text. |
Y Character Set (EDIFACT Level A Character Set) |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . , – ( ) / = ‘ + : ? ! ” % & * < > ; Space |
- 이외 다른 문자들은 허용되지 않는다. (Error Code M60) |
Z Character Set (Information Service Character Set) |
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . , – ( ) / = ‘ + : ? ! ” % & * < > ; { @ # _ Cr Lf Space |
- '}' 문자와 다른 문자들은 허용되지 않는다. (Error Code M60) |
MT n99 : Free Format Message (자유 형식 전문)
- 금융기관 및 기업이 MT 체계에 정의되지 않은 형태의 전문을 송수신하기 위해 사용하는 포맷이다.
- MT n99 전문형식에서는 지켜야할 Network Validation Rule 이 없다
- MT 199 : Customer Payments and Cheques
- MT 299 : Financial Institution Transfers
- MT 399 : Foreign Exchange, Money Markets and Derivatives
- MT 499 : Collections and Cash Letters
- MT 599 : Securities Markets
- MT 699 : Commodities and Reference Data
- MT 799 : Documentary Credits and Guarantees/Stanby Letters of Creidt
- MT 899 : Travellers Cheques
- MT 999 : Cash Management and Customer Status
MT n99 Specification
Status | Tag | Field Name and Description | Content/ Options |
M | 20 | - Transaction Reference Number (TRN) - 전문별로 고유하게 부여되는 번호이다. |
16x |
O | 21 | - Related Reference - 해당 거래와 연관된 전문의 TRN 이다. |
16x |
M | 79 | - Narrative - 자유 형식 전문의 내용이다. |
35 * 50x |
* M : Mandatory * O : Optional |
- MT199, MT299, MT999에 UETR 이 포함된 관련 메시지가 있는 경우,
UETR은 메시지의 사용자 헤더 블록에 있는 필드 121에 복사될 수 있다.
* UETR (Unique End-to-End Transaction Reference)
- 36자리 Characters 로 구성된 String 으로 SWIFT 시스템 하에서 송수신되는 모든 결제 지침 전문에 포함되는 정보이다.
- The SWIFT gpi Customer Credit Transfer (gCCT) service uses MT 199 for gCCT confirmations to either confirm credit to the account of the beneficiary customer or confirm the (intermediate) transaction status. All FIN users, part of user category SUPE (Supervised Financial Institutions) or PSPA (Payments System Participants) are allowed to use MT 199 to confirm to the gpi Tracker transactions received via MT 103. All details on the usage can be found on the Knowledge Centre > Products A-Z > Universal Confirmations > Universal Confirmations Rulebook.
MT 103 : Single Customer Credit Transfer (단일 고객간 송금)
- 일반적으로 사용되는 전문으로, MUG(Message User Group) 에 등록되지 않아도 서로 전문을 송수신 할 수 있다.
MT 103 Specification
Status | Tag | Field Name and Description | Content/ Options |
M | 20 | - Sender's Reference | 16x |
O | 13C | - Time Indication | /8c/4!n1!x4!n |
M | 23B | - Bank Operation Code | 4!c |
O | 23E | - Instruction Code | 4!c[/30x] |
O | 26T | - Transaction Type Code | 3!c |
M | 32A | - Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount - Subfield: Interbank Settled Amount 최소 한 자리 이상의 Digit로 구성 Decimal Comma 가 반드시 포함되며, Maximum Length에 포함 |
6!n3!a15d |
O | 33B | - Currency/Instructed Amount | 3!a15d |
O | 36 | - Exchange Rate | 12d |
M | 50a | - Ordering Customer | A, F, or K |
O | 51A | - Sending Institution | [/1!a][/34x]<crlf> 4!a2!a2!c[3!c] |
O | 52a | - Ordering Institution | A or D |
O | 53a | - Sender's Correspondent | A, B, or D |
O | 54a | - Receiver's Correspondent | A, B, or D |
O | 55a | - Third Reimbursement Institution | A, B, or D |
O | 56a | - Intermediary Institution | A, C, or D |
O | 57a | - Account With Institution | A, B, C, or D |
M | 59a | - Beneficiary Customer | No letter option, A, or F |
O | 70 | - Remittance Information | 4*35x |
M | 71A | - Details of Charges | 3!a |
O | 71F | - Sender's Charges | 3!a15d |
O | 71G | - Receiver's Charges | 3!a15d |
O | 72 | - Sender to Receiver Information | 6*35x |
O | 77B | - Regulatory Reporting | 3*35x |
* M : Mandatory * O : Optional |
MT 300 : Foreign Exchange Confirmation (외환 거래 확인)
- 두 통화 간의 체결된 매매 정보를 확인하는 전문이다.
- MT 300 전문의 주요 사용 용도는 아래와 같다:
- Confirm the details of a new contract between the parties
- Confirm an exercised foreign currency option
- Confirm the details of a post-trade event
- Confirm the details of an amendment to a previously sent confirmation
- Cancel a previously sent confirmation
- Report to a trade repository
- MT 300 전문의 내용은 아래와 같은 Sequence 들로 구성된다:
- Sequence A : General Information (트랜잭션 일반 정보)
- Sequence B : Transaction Details (트랜잭션 상세정보)
- Subsequence B1 : Amount Bought (매수량)
- Subsequence B2 : Amount Sold (매도량)
- Sequence C : Optional General Information (트랜잭션 추가정보)
- Sequence D : Split Settlement Details (분할 결제 상세정보)
- Sequence E : Reporting Information (Trade Repository 보고 정보)
- Subsequence E1 : Reporting Parties (보고 당사자) (Repetitive)
- Subsequence E1a : Unique Transaction Identifier (트랜잭션 고유번호) (Repetitive)
- Subsequence E1a1 :Prior Unique Transaction Identifier (이전 트랜잭션 고유번호) (Repetitive) - Sequence F : Post-Trade Events (Post-Trade Lifecycle Event 정보)
MT 300 Specification
Status | Tag | Field Name | Content / Options | No. |
Mandatory Sequence A General Information | ||||
M | 15A | New Sequence | Empty field | 1 |
M | 20 | Sender's Reference | 16x | 2 |
O | 21 | Related Reference | 16x | 3 |
M | 22A | Type of Operation | 4!c | 4 |
O | 94A | Scope of Operation | 4!c | 5 |
M | 22C | Common Reference | 4!a2!c4!n4!a2!c | 6 |
O | 17T | Block Trade Indicator | 1!a | 7 |
O | 17U | Split Settlement Indicator | 1!a | 8 |
O | 17I | Payment versus Payment Settlement Indicator | 1!a | 9 |
M | 82a | Party A | A or J | 10 |
M | 87a | Party B | A or J | 11 |
O | 83a | Fund or Beneficiary Customer | A or J | 12 |
O | 77H | Type, Date, Version of the Agreement | 6a[/8!n][//4!n] | 13 |
O | 77D | Terms and Conditions | 6*35x | 14 |
O | 14C | Year of Definitions | 4!n | 15 |
O | 17F | Non-Deliverable Indicator | 1!a | 16 |
O | 17O | NDF Open Indicator | 1!a | 17 |
O | 32E | Settlement Currency | 3!a | 18 |
O | 30U | Valuation Date | 8!n | 19 |
-----> | ||||
O | 14S | Settlement Rate Source | 3!a2n[/4!n/4!c] | 20 |
-----| | ||||
O | 26K | Calculation Agent | 4!c | 21 |
O | 21A | Reference to Opening Confirmation | 16x | 22 |
O | 14E | Clearing or Settlement Session | 35x | 23 |
End of Sequence A General Information | ||||
Mandatory Sequence B Transaction Details | ||||
M | 15B | New Sequence | Empty field | 24 |
M | 30T | Trade Date | 8!n | 25 |
M | 30V | Value Date | 8!n | 26 |
M | 36 | Exchange Rate | 12d | 27 |
O | 39M | Payment Clearing Centre | 2!a | 28 |
O | 35C | Digital Token Identifier | 8x[/30x] | 29 |
Mandatory Subsequence B1 Amount Bought | ||||
M | 32B | Currency, Amount | 3!a15d | 30 |
O | 53a | Delivery Agent | A or J | 31 |
O | 56a | Intermediary | A or J | 32 |
M | 57a | Receiving Agent | A or J | 33 |
End of Subsequence B1 Amount Bought | ||||
Mandatory Subsequence B2 Amount Sold | ||||
M | 33B | Currency, Amount | 3!a15d | 34 |
O | 53a | Delivery Agent | A or J | 35 |
O | 56a | Intermediary | A or J | 36 |
M | 57a | Receiving Agent | A or J | 37 |
O | 58a | Beneficiary Institution | A or J | 38 |
End of Subsequence B2 Amount Sold | ||||
End of Sequence B Transaction Details | ||||
Optional Sequence C Optional General Information | ||||
M | 15C | New Sequence | Empty field | 39 |
O | 29A | Contact Information | 4*35x | 40 |
O | 24D | Dealing Method | 4!c[/35x] | 41 |
O | 84a | Dealing Branch Party A | A, B, D, or J | 42 |
O | 85a | Dealing Branch Party B | A, B, D, or J | 43 |
O | 88a | Broker Identification | A, D, or J | 44 |
O | 71F | Broker's Commission | 3!a15d | 45 |
O | 26H | Counterparty's Reference | 16x | 46 |
O | 21G | Broker's Reference | 16x | 47 |
O | 72 | Sender to Receiver Information | 6*35x | 48 |
End of Sequence C Optional General Information | ||||
Optional Sequence D Split Settlement Details | ||||
M | 15D | New Sequence | Empty field | 49 |
-----> | ||||
M | 17A | Buy (Sell) Indicator | 1!a | 50 |
M | 32B | Currency, Amount | 3!a15d | 51 |
O | 53a | Delivery Agent | A, D, or J | 52 |
O | 56a | Intermediary | A, D, or J | 53 |
M | 57a | Receiving Agent | A, D, or J | 54 |
O | 58a | Beneficiary Institution | A, D, or J | 55 |
-----| | ||||
M | 16A | Number of Settlements | 5n | 56 |
End of Sequence D Split Settlement Details | ||||
Optional Sequence E Reporting Information | ||||
M | 15E | New Sequence | Empty field | 57 |
-----> Optional Repetitive Subsequence E1 Reporting Parties | ||||
M | 22L | Reporting Jurisdiction | 35x | 58 |
O | 91a | Reporting Party | A, D, or J | 59 |
-----> Optional Repetitive Subsequence E1a Unique Transaction Identifier | ||||
M | 22M | UTI Namespace/Issuer Code | 30x | 60 |
M | 22N | Transaction Identifier | 32x | 61 |
-----> Optional Repetitive Subsequence E1a1 Prior Unique Transaction Identifier | ||||
M | 22P | PUTI Namespace/Issuer Code | 30x | 62 |
M | 22R | Prior Transaction Identifier | 32x | 63 |
-----| End of Subsequence E1a1 Prior Unique Transaction Identifier | ||||
-----| End of Subsequence E1a Unique Transaction Identifier | ||||
-----| End of Subsequence E1 Reporting Parties | ||||
O | 81a | Central Counterparty Clearing House (CCP) | A, D, or J | 64 |
O | 89a | Clearing Broker | A, D, or J | 65 |
O | 96a | Clearing Exception Party | A, D, or J | 66 |
-----> | ||||
O | 22S | Clearing Broker Identification | 1!a/35x | 67 |
-----| | ||||
O | 22T | Cleared Product Identification | 35x | 68 |
O | 17E | Clearing Threshold Indicator | 1!a | 69 |
O | 22U | Underlying Product Identifier | 6a | 70 |
O | 35B | Identification of Financial Instrument | [ISIN1!e12!c]<crlf>[4*35x] | 71 |
O | 17H | Allocation Indicator | 1!a | 72 |
O | 17P | Collateralisation Indicator | 1!a | 73 |
O | 22V | Execution Venue | 35x | 74 |
O | 98D | Execution Timestamp | 8!n6!n[,3n][/[N]2!n[2!n]] | 75 |
O | 17W | Non Standard Flag | 1!a | 76 |
O | 22W | Link Swap Identification | 42x | 77 |
O | 17Y | Financial Nature of the Counterparty Indicator | 1!a | 78 |
O | 17Z | Collateral Portfolio Indicator | 1!a | 79 |
O | 22Q | Collateral Portfolio Code | 10x | 80 |
O | 17L | Portfolio Compression Indicator | 1!a | 81 |
O | 17M | Corporate Sector Indicator | 1!a | 82 |
O | 17Q | Trade with Non-EEA Counterparty Indicator | 1!a | 83 |
O | 17S | Intragroup Trade Indicator | 1!a | 84 |
O | 17X | Commercial or Treasury Financing Indicator | 1!a | 85 |
O | 98G | Confirmation Timestamp | 8!n6!n[,3n][/[N]2!n[2!n]] | 86 |
O | 98H | Clearing Timestamp | 6!n[,3n][/[N]2!n[2!n]] | 87 |
-----> | ||||
O | 34C | Commission and Fees | 4!c/[N]3!a15d | 88 |
-----| | ||||
O | 77A | Additional Reporting Information | 20*35x | 89 |
End of Sequence E Reporting Information | ||||
Optional Sequence F Post-Trade Events | ||||
M | 15F | New Sequence | Empty field | 90 |
M | 21H | Event Type and Reference | 4!c/16x | 91 |
O | 21F | Underlying Liability Reference | 16x | 92 |
O | 30F | Profit and Loss Settlement Date | 8!n | 93 |
O | 32H | Profit and Loss Settlement Amount | [N]3!a15d | 94 |
O | 33E | Outstanding Settlement Amount | 3!a15d | 95 |
End of Sequence F Post-Trade Events | ||||
M = Mandatory, O = Optional - Network Validated Rules may apply |
MT 950 : Statement Message (잔고 확인 전문)
- 계좌 소유주가 잔고 정보와 거래 상세내역을 확인할 수 있게 하는 전문이다.
- 계좌를 관리하는 기관에서 계좌 소유주에게 전송하는 전문이다.
MT 950 Specification
Status | Tag | Field Name and Description | Content/ Options |
M | 20 | - Transaction Reference Number - 전문별로 고유하게 부여되는 번호이다. |
16x |
M | 25 | - Account Identification - 정보를 확인하고자 하는 계좌의 계좌번호이다. |
35x |
M | 28C | - Statement Number/Sequence Number - 입출금 내역 번호이다. |
5n[/5n] |
M | 60a | - Opening Balance - 개시잔고이다. * 60F : First Opening Balance * 60M : Intermediate Opening Balance |
F or M |
O | 61 | - Statement Line - 입출금 내용이다. |
6!n[4!n]2a[1!a]15d1!a3!c16x[//16x]<crlf> [34x] |
M | 62a | - Closing Balance (Booked Funds) - 결산잔고이다. * 62F : Final Closing Balance * 62M : Intermediate Closing Balance |
F or M |
O | 64 | - Closing Available Balance (Available Funds) - 계좌 소유주의 Credit Balance 혹은 Debit Balance 값을 의미한다. |
1!a6!n3!a15d |
* M : Mandatory * O : Optional |
Reference: Swift, MT n99 Free Format Message, URL, 2023년 3월 26일 검색
Reference: Swift, MT 103 Single Customer Credit Transfer, URL, 2023년 4월 3일 검색
Reference: Swift, MT 200 Financial Institution Transfer for its Own Account, URL, 2023년 4월 3일 검색
Reference: Swift, MT 300 Foreign Exchange Confirmation, URL, 2023년 4월 3일 검색
Reference: Swift, MT 950 Statement Message, URL, 2023년 4월 3일 검색
Reference: Swift, What is a Unique End-to-end Transaction Reference (UETR)?, URL, 2023년 3월 26일 검색
Reference: Paiementor, Swift Formatting Rules and Character Sets of MT Messages, URL, 2023년 4월 3일 검색
Reference: Investopedia, Post-Trade Processing: Definition, How It Works, and Examples, URL,
2023년 4월 12일 검색